We've got a bunch of super-suave movers n' shakers coming on to get to know you, the discerning music lover. And these guests are POUNDERS! This week we have the incredible Michael "Daddy Love" Lucas of the Phantom Surfers, Sir Dance-A Lot, Repent Records, Rudos and Rubes Publishing, and a whole lot more coming on to spin tales of surfing the San Francisco bay, dancing with men in Bataan, drinking the water in Mexico City, and the proper adorning of spectacles under a fancy mask. So be sure to tune in this Friday, the 17th.

Mark your calendars kids! Better yet - subscribe to the RadiOblivion Calendar and never miss any broadcasts that I'm a part of. And if you're unable to tune in to Mojo Workout live you can always listen and download the shows after the fact from our Mevio Page, or subscribe in iTunes.
See you then. Bring yer leg-warmers! In the meantime, enjoy this swell vid with Michael Lucas: