Thursday, December 24, 2009

Update Yer Machines Fer The New Year

Updating yer device with thee latest RadiOblivion news now...

Hey turkeys! The New Year fast approacheth and its time to fill you in on some details. First things first: RadiOblivion has a new launching pad on the interwebs. That's right! Now when you tune your internet dial to you will be instantly transported to the new, Atomic-Age blog thing where all eppy-sodes will blast off from. No other silliness will be posted there in order to maintain some semblance of clarity in the RadiOblivion podcast feed. That way when you tell those in your personal sphere of influence "Blow Yer Radio Up, Baby and get your bad-self over to!" they'll get egg-zackly what they need to begin their journey to Better Living Through Discarded Music.

Speaking of Feeds... the RadiOblivion feed, at, has been updated. All (possibly) of your subscription needs have been met - including the ability to subscribe via email so you can have the show delivered to your inbox if you want. Of course all the other major RSS Readers and Podcatchers are listed there, too. Whatever your preferred mode of delivery may be, you'll find something you like there. Now, I've got to tell you that there are some changes coming along real soon to the way that the shows on the GaragePunk Podcast Network are delivered that we'll expound upon at a later time. So if you are subscribed to main GPPN podcast feed in order to have RadiOblivion delivered di-rectly to your computer machine or mp3 playing device (and let me highlight this with loud noises) YOU NEED TO SUBSCRIBE TO RADIOBLIVION SEPARATELY IN ORDER TO CONTINUE RECEIVING THE WILD SOUNDS AND ROCK 'N' ROLL CONTAINED WITHIN. Its real simple. Either use that Feedburner address above, or do a search for RadiOblivion in the iTunes store; it'll be the 1st result.

Posted via email from RadiOblivion is PrePosterous!