Please stand by. Transmission from RadiOblivion H.Q. about to commence:
"Hey, what gives?", you axe. "No new eppy-sode in a month!" Friends, after nursing the old HP Windows XP machine for over 6 years, it was time to put her out to pasture (the garage). The ol' gray mare was crashing like the little old lady from Pasadena hopped up on too much cough medicine! So, after living my whole computer life peering through Bill Gates' Windows (and the extreme generosity of the kind folks that raised me to the Rock n' Roll hound I am today), I've made the switch to uber control freak Steve Jobs' wonderful world o' Mac.
Now, the only problem is that the DAW I use to produce the show is Windows specific so I had to piece together another PC for the sole purpose of recording until I install XP on this beautiful piece o' technology, the iMac. I know, the Mac comes with GarageBand, or I could install Audacity. Only problem is: they both stink compared to what I'm accustomed to. Point is that I'll be producing more eppy-sodes of RadiOblivion directly. We've got some great guests lined-up, including Mark Cole from the legendary Krewmen and Mad Dog Cole, Sam from Mondo Topless, Aaron from Los Hories (for a special return engagement), Ted Pilgrim from Satan's Pilgrims, y mucho mas!
Also in the works: "Wild & Primitive... LIVE with Michael Kaiser"! What's that? I'm going live on Real Punk Radio, baby. As of now it looks like the new show will be on Tuesday afternoons, but I'll give you the specifics before the 1st show. Of course you can listen right from the site or in your media player of choice, but you can also listen on your portable pocket phone machines, too. Just download the ShoutCAST app and search fer Real Punk Radio. You'll need to go into the main settings (iPhone/iPod Touch) and allow higher bit rate streams, though, because we're High Fidelity at RPR.
Stay tuned fer more wiggyness, and Blow Yer Radio Up, Baby!!
End Transmission