Saturday, December 28, 2013

Sound Hound Survey For 2014

Get your Wild Sound and Rock 'N' Roll the way you want it in 2014 by answering a quick question.

Riddle me this, turkeys: Most folk still subscribe to podcasts via iTunes. But listeners o' the RadiOblivion podcast, much like your host (me), are an odd lot. We don't do things the way we're "supposed to." That's part o' the reason that we have superior taste in the sublime sounds of discarded music. And why this show flies so successfully under the radar o' the Arrghh-aye-ay-ay.

So, how do you acquire podcasts for your listening pleasure? Do you subscribe directly from iTunes, a podcast app on your mobile device, listen directly from websites, use Soundcloud, or what? Let me know your podcast catching habits. It's gonna help me figure out how to cast out these savage sounds in 2014.

You can let me know in the comments on this here blog, on Twitter, or email (you know the addy - it's the name o' the show at, Google+, or on Facebook. There is only a small minority of listeners o' RadiOblivion that actually speak up, so they's gonna help decide the future for all listeners. That's just the way it is, bub. So speak up!

In a nutshell: How do you want to get new eppy-sodes o' RadiOblivion?