Thursday, May 1, 2014

Something Went Wrong

In 1991 Dionysus Records released a 7" single ID074535 - Thee Headcoats, "Something Went Wrong." It provides the backdrop for this post, so let's take a listen before jumping into the latest from Michael Kaiser's Haus.

Something Went Wrong Again

Last week I wrote that I was going to re-podcast all eppy-sodes of RadiOblivion by going all the way back to number one and embedding the new audio file links - which in turn would kick the feed and serve up every episode via iTunes or whatever service you use to subscribe to your podcasts. But as England's national poet... no, not Shakespeare - Billy Childish put it, "The car wouldn't start; just a little fart." So, too, the rocket known as RadiOblivion has a starting problem.

Turn Your Radio Up

RadiOblivion is hosted on Google's Blogger platform. It always has been. I've used the same mp3 player embedded in each eppy-sode post for a few years. Now I can't get it to work consistently. I don't know what the problem is - and I don't really care. I just want it to work. I can still get the episodes to podcast just by embedding the mp3 file in the posts, but it seems silly to do so if there isn't a working player there for regular, non-subscribing types to just listen and run.

I Gotta Move

I don't want to mess with it, baby. So now I'm planning on packing my rekkids and going some place that the plumbing works. I've thought of Tumblr. Their audio player works great. I can use the same feed. But it's not really a blog, is it? Ixnay on UmblerTay. I've thought about a site. But you can't use the same plugins that you can on a self-hosted Wordpress site. But it's free. I have self-hosted WP sites. The podcasting plugins are top-notch. But you have to pay for hosting.

It's Your Own Fault

Maybe Wild Billy Childish is right. Could he be speaking to me from the title of the flipside of this little black launching pad? Could it be my fault - this predicament I'm in? Well, the bard could be correct if he means that my addiction to providing Better Living Through Discarded Music™constantly lands me in a quandary as how to deliver Wild Sounds and Rock 'N' Roll™ in the manner to which I'm accustomed. In that case, then yes, Mr. Childish, it is my fault. It's my fault, indeed.

To be continued when I know what do.

Any ideas out there? Let me know.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Back Up Baby And Start All Over Again

Reduxin' the RadiOblivion podcast. Read all about it.

You know this blog title is a line out of a Gene Vincent POUNDER, right? Of course you do, you sound hounds! And it serves to set the tone fer this post because we are doing just that - gonna back up baby and start all over again. But first let's rock with the Blue Caps.

Gonna Back Up Baby...

The last couple updates on Michael Kaiser's Haus let you know the state of our podcast file hosting and to point you to the entire co-llection of RadiOblivion files on the Internet Archive. So stop and read those before proceeding, Jackson.

All done? Ok. Quick recap:
  • Our (that's the "Royal We" again!!) podcast host changed business plans
  • RadiOblivion moved
  • You can now download every file recorded (except one that was too dumb) at the Internet Archive

And Start RadiOblivion Again

Here's the kicker, though: now the show technically isn't being podcasted, i.e. the RadiOblivion Feed isn't being fed anything to send your way via iTunes, Stitcher Radio, or however else y'all automatically download podcasts. So we have to fix it. Which is easy enough to do, but ol' Michael Kaiser doesn't do things the easy way. I don't know why. I wish I did. So here's what we're gonna do:
  • Attach the new audio file to every eppy-sode on the RadiOblivion website
  • Which will trigger the RadiOblivion Feed to grab 'em
  • They'll each be scooped-up by whichever podcatcher you use (iTunes, etc.)
  • You will receive all previous eppy-sodes starting with #1
Personally I think eppy-sodes 1-29 really stink. If you agree you can just delete them as they arrive. If yer some kinda masochist you'll be able to archive them as they come to keep (and SHARE) them forever.

So strap on yer safety helmet, pally. They's gonna be comin' fast!

Michael Kaiser, Esq.
Propagating the POUNDERS since 2006

QUESTION: How do you listen to RadiOblivion? Comment below, turkey.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Every Episode Of RadiOblivion Now Available At The Internet Archive

The complete collection of the RadiOblivion podcast is now available on the Internet Archive. One hundred and seventeen files to date have been handcrafted to provide Better Living Through Discarded Music - and now you can download each and every episode for your listening and archiving pleasure.

Archiving For Posterity

We (again, with the Royal We!) have been serving the absolute best in obscure and unknown Rockabilly, Rhythm and Blues, Surf, Exotica, Trash, 60's Punk, Garage, Punk Rock, and other strange and savage sounds since 2006. The reason is simple: these are songs, musicians, bands, commercials, movie trailers, and other audio that you absolutely must hear. These things are POUNDERS™!! And RadiOblivion propagates the Pounders. We have even established the Friends of the Pounders Preservation Society (F.P.P.S.) to further the cause. I think I'm the only member, though. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Got A Match?

The Internet Archive is a great place to archive the 'Oblivion. Their goal is to archive the entire Internet... for posterity. They don't want things to be forgotten or lost. A sample from the about page:
"The Internet Archive is working to prevent the Internet - a new medium with major historical significance - and other "born-digital" materials from disappearing into the past."
Do you see how we match? RadiOblivion exists to promulgate sounds with historical significance (i.e. they are boss!) via the new-fangled podcast format, and the Internet Archive exists to preserve such things. Yep. I used "exists" two times in one sentence! Sorry. The point is that we are two sides of the same proverbial coin. I want to expose the world to killer sounds; they want to preserve it for ever... forever? Whatever. I didn't know which word to use. I'll stick with forever and ever and ever. YEAH!

Play It Again, Clyde

So how do it work? For the completists that want to have all the recordings made at Kaiser Studios A and B, you can now go directly to the RadiOblivion co-llection on the Internet Archive and download as many eppy-sodes as you want. But first a little 'splaining...

The collection is 117 files. Of course anyone that is subscribed to the RadiOblivion podcast knows that there aren't that many episodes. Au contraire! Remember what I just said: all the recordings made at Kaiser Studio B. This includes:
  • Live, non-podcasted shows (originally called "Wild and Primitive LIVE!") heard on the now defunct Wild and Primitive Radio
  • Sound tests at the studio for configuration/levels purposes, etc.
  • SoundCloud only episodes
  • Other miscellaneous recordings
Also, there is an episode number 16.5 and 21.5. The former was an episode of the GaragePunk Surfcast, and the latter a Bo Diddley special memorial called RadiBOblivion.

Jukebox To Oblivion

On the RadiOblivion Archive page you have many choices for enjoying a cup o' POUNDERS™. The quick and obvious way is via the audio player on the the right side. And even that has multiple options. If you are looking for a total of 4 consecutive 24 hour days of Wild Sounds and Rock 'N' Roll™ just click the triangle-shaped play button to hear episodes 001-117 in a row. Which seems like a wild party just waiting to happen. Eegah!! You can also scroll along the list of files and click on any of them to hear it immediately.
Click fer largeness
Below the media player is a list of the individual files. You can download them one-by-one by right clicking the number in the second or third columns and selecting "Save As" (Windows) or "Save Linked Content As" (Mac).
Click fer bigness
There are other options available as well like the embed option at the bottom of the player, the VBR ZIP file in the left sidebar (which I suppose allows you to download all files at once), the BitTorrent file link at the very bottom of the files view, and much more. I haven't goofed with any of those, so you'll have to fill me in on all the nifty options in the comments below.

So there you go. I've got a lot more to tell ya, but I'm tired of typing. I'll post again soon and tell you some ideas I have for revamping the websites. And I need to tell you about the podcast feed. In the meantime make sure you've read the previous post. I still won't have the podcast situation ironed-out by tomorrow. But if you are subscribed to the podcast expect to see them all available again - starting with the first episodes. There. I sort of told you about the podcast situation. Consider that a bonus!

Blow Yer Radio Up, Baby!!™

Michael Kaiser, Esq.
Propagating the Pounders since 2006 

QUESTION: Are you a member of the Friends of the Pounders Preservation Society (F.P.P.S.)?

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

We Interrupt Yer Regularly Scheduled Podcast

There will most likely be a suspension in services from Kaiser Studio B as we move the RadiOblivion podcast files to a new home on the interwebs.

RadiOblivion Got Kicked Outta The Webelos

For the longest time we've (that's the "Royal We", of course; and I'm sure it ain't s'possed to be capitalized) hosted the RadiOblivion podcast files at Mevio. They used to be Podshow, or something like that. It's been so many years now that I can't remember. Regardless, I've heard on the grape vine for a while that Mevio was making a pivot. A pivot which wouldn't include schmucks like me that blast out Wild Sounds & Rock 'N' Roll™ at maximum BOOM!

They even sent me a real pleasant letter:
My name is Ross Elliot, Senior Vice President of Production at Mevio/BiteSizeTV, and this letter is to inform you of the shutdown of and the removal of any hosted content effective April 18th.
They don't even know my name, *sniff*. Russ - I mean Ross - goes on from there telling how boss they are and how BiteSizeTV is going to revolutionize Internet TV. I was certainly impressed!

You Can't Fire Me 'Cause I Quit, Turkey

But the joke is on Russ. I mean Ross. Not that he'll ever hear said joke. I have been planning to upload all the RadiOblivion podcast files to another location for a while. I mean a long while. You know how I am. But a reminder came the other day from a 5 Star listener who shall remain nameless (except his excellent first name) because I didn't axe permission to post this message via Facebook:

It was this message that reminded me of my aforementioned plans. Thanks, Michael. I'm working on it. But before I upload the lot I wanted to make some changes to the meta data - truncated file names, links to the RadiOblivon website, etc.

That's A Mess Of Better Living, Pally

I'll be adding in all the shows that I did (well, the ones I recorded) on our short-lived (but KILLER!) Internet radio station Wild And Primitive Radio, as well as all the little Two Pack O' Pounders™ and sound tests that I've uploaded to our SoundCloud account. All told there's over 100 episodes n' such of RadiOblivion. That's a heckuva lot o' Better Living Through Discarded Music™!!

Whitney Houston, We Have A Problem

There's only one catch, friends. I don't think I'll have everything unpacked by the 18th. Actually, I t'ain't sure I'll have all the files packed by April 18th. I'm a busy sound hound. I'll do my bestest, though. If yer subscribed to the RadiOblivion Feed (whether via iTunes or yer favorite RSS Reader/Podcatcher) stay where you are unless told otherwise. If you only listen via the RadiOblivion website, just keep bookmarked.

And above all else, get out your magic decoder rings boys and girls, and stay tuned to find out how you can win many valuable prizes - Lux Interior/the Purple Knif

Blow Yer Radio Up, Baby!!™

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

RO 040114 April Foolses

Fooled you! It's just another waste-o-yer-time sound level test. Yep. I goofed 'em up the other night trying out some software, and now I'm trying to correct my sin. But, lucky you, you get the Fismits and legendary Dutch wooden-shoe-wearing Batmobile... plus hours and hours (days, even) of more fun sounds fer today's April Foolses.

If the player is missing from the post then yer too late; I deleted the file. I only keep 'em up a short time, so check often, pally!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Sound Hound Survey For 2014

Get your Wild Sound and Rock 'N' Roll the way you want it in 2014 by answering a quick question.

Riddle me this, turkeys: Most folk still subscribe to podcasts via iTunes. But listeners o' the RadiOblivion podcast, much like your host (me), are an odd lot. We don't do things the way we're "supposed to." That's part o' the reason that we have superior taste in the sublime sounds of discarded music. And why this show flies so successfully under the radar o' the Arrghh-aye-ay-ay.

So, how do you acquire podcasts for your listening pleasure? Do you subscribe directly from iTunes, a podcast app on your mobile device, listen directly from websites, use Soundcloud, or what? Let me know your podcast catching habits. It's gonna help me figure out how to cast out these savage sounds in 2014.

You can let me know in the comments on this here blog, on Twitter, or email (you know the addy - it's the name o' the show at, Google+, or on Facebook. There is only a small minority of listeners o' RadiOblivion that actually speak up, so they's gonna help decide the future for all listeners. That's just the way it is, bub. So speak up!

In a nutshell: How do you want to get new eppy-sodes o' RadiOblivion?

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Rockabilly Or Rhythm and Blues?

I'm in the process of rating the music in my computer media jukebox program of choice in order to help make playlist selection a breeze for my podcast, RadiOblivion, in the New Year. Mo' on that in a later post, though. But I'm struck by an age-old dilemma in the life of any sound hound: Is this track Rockabilly or Rhythm and Blues?

Take this genius for example. Big Al Downing belted out pounder after pounder - one particularly savage beastie is "Down On The Farm." It's graced more Rockabilly compilations than I'm able to pin down. But my ears say "R&B belter all the way!" Take a listen fer yerself.

Question: "Down on the Farm," Rockabilly or Rhythm and Blues? Vote in the comments below, pally.